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About Us

Embracing Women's Potential Transformative Learning Centre

for Women's Education, Connection, Collaboration, Transformation


Embracing Women’s Potential Transformative Learning Centre (EWP-TLC) for women was established in 2009 by Tisiola Lear, as the first initiative of its kind in Bowral, NSW. EWP-TLC strives to provide women of all backgrounds and ages with a harmonious and inspiring safe space, and qualitative and affordable educational programs focused on personal development, health and wellbeing, career and contribution, social and relational health, and spiritual awakening and growth. 


EWP-TLC has presented over 100 focus groups, 80 seminars, 20 workshops, 10 retreats, and 240 social events to a community of over 300 women in the Southern Highlands region and beyond. EWP-TLC has additionally supported over 50 private clients between the ages of 4 and 80 to make profound and positive healthy changes in their lives. Most recently, Tisiola’s work has gained international support, including from Dr Jean Houston, world-renowned author and political leadership advisor and Chancellor at Meridian University, USA.


EWP-TLC is founded on the following Human Rights Principles:

  • Article #1: To be Free and Equal – “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” 

  • Article #26: Right to Education – “You have the right to school, to continue your studies as far as you wish and to learn regardless of race, religion or country of origin…Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

  • Article #27: Right to Take Part in Cultural, Artistic and Scientific Life – “Everyone has the right to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.”

  • Article #29: Duty to Your Community – “Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of their personality is possible.”


Led by a core team of six women, EWP-TLC is committed to providing:

  • A safe space for authentic connection and true belonging

  • Different ways to connect, learn, share, develop, transform and have fun

  • Psychological, emotional, spiritual and social support

  • A ripple effect that causes lasting positive changes


EWP-TLC advocates for addressing issues that affect women's potential and which cause inequality, by providing opportunities for women to rise and shine through affordable quality education programs, and sustainable and meaningful connections.

EWP-TLC also promotes unity of diversity, and believes that in order to create a flourishing community, all women's voices are needed: we prosper when we collaborate, support and empower each woman’s unique contributions, strengths and talents.

Our Mission/Vision and What We Stand For:
Universal Education and Gender Equality
“In order to achieve such worthy goals, a new paradigm of sustainable human development is required. It should be one that supports human development in its most primary form: the development of capacities, skills and potentials that activate both individuals and groups in ways that enhance their societal choices and commitments, liberate their inventiveness and raise levels of esteem and cooperation essential to carrying out goals”
– Dr Jean Houston
Our Mission: To inspire and empower all women to develop the capacity to reach their highest potential, by providing a harmonious and inspiring safe space and quality and affordable educational programs; for women's connection, education, collaboration and transformation.  
Our Vision: We envisage a “free and equal” world of awakened humans, belonging and working together towards unity of diversity; embracing the shared values of all people to freely share their divine-given gifts. We envisage a new world full of compassionate and responsible humans, transforming lives and living beyond limitations. 
Our Core Values (TAHEQ):
TRANSPARENCY and TRUST stands for openness in communication (no hidden agendas) and clarity and accountability in action ('walk the talk' and 'talk the walk' – no hidden activities), which together facilitate the TRUST factor in our relationships with one another.
AUTHENTICITY involves genuineness, originality, and the quality of being 'real'.
HONESTY involves integrity, truthfulness and straightforwardness as acts of respect (it is the opposite of lying, cheating and theft). It is about being trustworthy, loyal, fair and sincere.
EFFICACY stands for the quality of being effective.
QUALITY stands for excellence and reliability in exceeding expectations.
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