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About Tisiola Lear

“The universe is a factory for creating creators people who can sense
what is needed for this time” ~ Jean Houston

Tisiola Lear
Tisiola Lear (also known as Tisi)

is a leader in the field of self-discovery, personal transformation and soul connection. Tisiola is a Personal Empowerment and Transformational Life Coach and Mentor to women from all walks of life. She is the Founder and Director of Embracing Women’s Potential and she is an authentic community builder and leader.  She values authentic connection and true belonging, and is committed to creating this in her own life, in the lives of others, and throughout the world. She has developed many community groups including mother’s groups, playgroups, and women’s groups. She is the Founder and Director of EWP Women’s Community based in The Southern Highlands, NSW, Australia which she developed with her team since 2009 serving women from all walks of life via social connection and education.


Tisiola’s personal story has inspired many to allow themselves to tell their stories from their own hearts. She has helped many women suffering from mental illness and broken relationships. Tisiola makes a stand for teaching women to shine their unique brilliance and causing the ripple effect of positive change in the world. She encourages women to allow themselves to be truly seen in an environment that holds the space for them to grow.  She is inspired by the work of Dr Jean Houston, her teacher. According to Houston “The possible society can become a reality only if we learn to be the “possible human” we are meant to be. And Houston points out that, “We are the living connection between the great stories of all times and spaces.” Tisiola is dedicated to transform society and our world by helping women to shine their unique qualities in the world. Tisiola has also studied Dr Brené Brown’s work, in particular, the importance of knowing that we are all worthy of love regardless of the fact that we are wired to make mistakes. It is about “wholehearted” living.  Tisiola lovingly encourages women to face the blockages and heal their past so that they can welcome their light and live their life with passion and purpose. She has infused and integrated profound techniques that remove blockages in a person’s mind in order to install new ways of thinking - creating new neuro pathways that are true for the person. She knows that mental illness is not the end of life, it is ONLY a sign that there are things that are not working well and they need to be addressed and transformed. Tisiola has dedicated her life to helping women transcend their victimhood, martyrdom, and self-limiting beliefs, fears, and negative patterns so that they become women of love and light in the world.

Tisiola’s Story
I first saw the sun as a child of the South Pacific, on the Island of Tonga. I grew up in a very loving family and I am one of 8 children. I have always considered myself to have been born with a very curious mind. I love being with nature, in particular, I love the sense of freedom, being able to climb trees and finding food in the bush and in the sea. I have always loved learning and I had wonderful experiences during my schooling. At the age of 19 I decided to marry an Australian man and moved to Australia to live.

In April 1984 I began my journey to Australia. What a culture shock!  Everything was brand new to me, meeting new people, wearing different clothes, eating different food, and becoming accustomed to the different systems like transport, etc. In 1985 I completed a 12 months course in hospitality which then enabled me to meet other people and make new friends. In 1986 I landed my first paid job in our local public hospital working as an Admin Clerk in the Casualty and Outpatient Department. This allowed me to meet more people, learn and practice new skills and become more used to the Australian way of life.  

In 1987 I gave birth to my first child, a daughter. I went back to working part-time in the public health system where I remained for over 20 years.  During this time my two boys were born and life became extremely busy.

Throughout my life, I have loved, and still do, helping people to grow, learning all that I can, and enjoying life’s gifts of beauty and pleasures.  I love having fun and being with fun people, I guess I don’t like to bore God. I have often said that I will always be a student because I love learning new skills and improving my knowledge.  However, in the early days when my kids were growing up, I started to numb my desire and my need for higher education.  I was too busy running and helping in everyone else’s life but I was neglecting my own. And inside, I was slowly losing myself.


That was the hardest time of my life.  I felt so alone and lost.

Now, when I look back, I realise that everything I went through was all part of the plan for me to become the woman I am today. I learned one of the biggest lessons in life that FEAR becomes real when you allow it to. I know now how quickly you can lose your passion, or lose sight of what you love to do, and the confidence to pursue your dreams. I know now that whilst you are too busy pretending, burying, ignoring, and giving, your cup can become so empty that it can actually break.

I now not only know that Life is amazing but I now experience that I am not separate from Life itself. And I now realise that I have a purpose to play my unique part to the remaking of a better world for ourselves. A world that is full of awakening human beings sharing our God’s given gifts for transforming lives starting at home, community, society, organisation, and beyond. And most importantly, I now know that we are all worthy of love and true belonging…ALL OF US. It is possible to have the good, beautiful, and healthy life when we all become the possible humans that we are meant to be and for the collective consciousness of remaking a world that works for all.

I have the most supportive team of ladies (my gorgeous friends) who support and encourage making EWP vision and dreams become a reality. They are so incredible and are so committed to making the world a better place. I am so grateful for them because they show up 100% contributing their God given gifts not for the purpose of “making money” but for the benefit of growing themselves and helping to transform other women’s lives. They love what they do and it shows every day! They have blessed me with their love and support. They believe in me and our vision, they stand by me and our mission through thick and thin.  

I am now doing what I love to do, inspiring, empowering, teaching, and helping others to grow, whilst feeling so supported and loved. I have learned from my experiences in life and I am open to welcoming what LIFE will teach me as I grow.  I live in a gorgeous part of Australia, The Southern Highlands, in New South Wales, which I love so much because I feel so connected to nature and the source of life.  I love being able to drive for five minutes and I am in the bush and with nature. I am blessed. I have choices -therefore I am Free. I have Passion and Purpose.  I can Shine. I am forever Grateful!  I am so excited about the future for women and I pray that we can all grow to know who we are and experience deep love and compassion for being part of Life. And may we be inspired to share our light with the world for the highest good of all.

Current Studies and Credentials

  • Ph.D. in Organisational Leadership at Meridian University, California, USA

  • Masters in Education at Meridian University, California, USA

  • BA in Christian Studies, The Australian College of Theology

  • Certified Trainer and Coach of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Certified Trainer and Coach of Matrix Therapies

  • Certified Master Practitioner of NLP, Certified Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy

  • Certified Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy

  • Certified Master Practitioner of Advance Matrix Therapies

  • Licensee of Mind Matrix, Emotional Matrix, Business Matrix, and Kids Matrix from Evolve Now Mind Institute, Sydney, Australia.

  • Master Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Adults

  • Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children by The Centre for Personal Reinvention – Dr. J Rubino, USA


Tisiola is also an inspirational public speaker and a master presenter, taking audiences of all sizes on amazing journeys of self-discovery and transformation. She has greatly inspired many women easily with her gifts of story-telling, sweet humour, and profound wisdom. And, although she works primarily with women, she has talks designed for co-ed audiences as well.

Some of the topics Tisi has presented:

  • The Power of Love

  • The Power of Letting Go

  • The Power of Forgiveness

  • The Power of Saying NO and really meaning it

  • The Power of Authenticity and Being Real

  • The Power of Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

  • The Power of Socialisation and Pleasure

  • The Power of Effective Communication

  • And much more

© 2017 Embracing Women's Potential - Bowral | Southern Highlands | NSW | Australia | (02) 4861 3547

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