Dear lovely members,
Happy New Year to you all and I hope 2018 will bring great things your way in all aspects of your life.
I would like to thank you all for your courage, willingness and commitment to be part of Embracing Women’s Potential (EWP) Community, especially for those of you who have been consistently showing up to our live events. Because of you, we have grown to become such an amazing community of like-minded women who are passionate about social change and transformation.
I am excited to say that at EWP we are more than just a community of likeminded women. We are about transformation and awakening our human potential, living a life of deeper meaning and authentic relationships. We practice wholehearted living with passion and purpose driven by our mission and vision for women’s potential to be fully realised.
EWP Plan for 2018:
In 2018, we will continue to offer authentic connection through our social activities and transformative learning programs. Please look out for these events as they will be regularly updated.
EWP offers real opportunities for women to connect, think, share, learn, and grow together, taking the integrative approach of deep listening to oneself and to others, allowing new ideas to emerge in the present moment through our Focus Group gatherings. Facilitating and integrating these new ideas can be so beneficial to our human development and transformation.
Focus Group topics have been designed with high intention to develop our CARE capacity beyond EMPATHY moving towards the embodiment of LOVE and COMPASSION in ourselves and causing the ripple effects in the world. Focus Groups are conducted through conversational and dialogue styles facilitated by myself, energised and driven by collective thinking.
EWP conducts a very special yearly women’s retreat in March and will include a FREE workshop on “Self-Love” for those who are staying for the weekend. A discounted affordable fee of $20 is offered for any of our members who would like to join us on Saturday for the workshop. Please contact us via email if you are interested.
EWP traditionally ends each year with a “Celebration Dinner” and is planned for the first week of December. We hope that many of you will join us to celebrate another year of learning, sharing, growing, and caring together.
Summary of what’s on offer for 2018 at EWP:
Focus Group Gatherings starting in February - Monday nights
Movie and chat starting in February - Tuesday nights
After work drinks and chats starting in March - Friday nights
Workshops on relevant topics for women's development starting in April - Monday nights
Walking and picnic lunch starting March - Thursdays
Spiritual Healing Gatherings starting in April - Sunday nights
Luncheons, Morning and Afternoon Teas throughout the year – Wednesdays and Saturdays
Please look out for these activities on offer as they will be uploaded regularly soon.
Until we connect again, may you be inspired and empowered to become the possible human you are meant to be.
Much love
Tisiola (aka Tisi) and the leadership team at EWP, Barb, Michelle, Ann, and Pat
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world;
indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead